About Us


Susanne Crabtree, Ph.D. has a doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology and has worked in the mental health field throughout her career.  Due to her interest in nature and conservation, she also obtained a Master’s Degree in Applied Biological Sciences/Ecology.  Her exploration into the unknown started early due to paranormal experiences in her childhood home and intensified later in life after a UFO encounter.  Her main path to seeking answers has been through meditation, similar to remote viewing, and intuitive painting.

Susanne Crabtree, Ph.D.
Billie Lankster-Davis

Billie Lankster-Davis has a master’s degree in Counseling and specializes in Complex Trauma. Her interest in the world beyond began as a young girl when she experienced a  UFO encounter. Billie began to seek out stories, and explanations to help her understand our world. What she found were people with experiences that offered no worldly explanation. This increased her curiosity to hear and learn more about true stories that are not explainable according to today’s modern science or worldly knowledge. She realized that people felt they would be stigmatized if they spoke up which is the reason, she stayed silent for so long. Her goal is to allow people to tell their extraordinary stories and still feel ordinary.

“You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, an irrational fear of the unknown. But there’s no such thing as the unknown — only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.”  – Captain James T Kirk