With Hosts

Susanne Crabtree, Ph.D. & Billie Davis, M.S.

Saturdays 7pm ET/4pm PT on KGRA Digital Broadcasting

Find our show on KGRAdb.com or the KGRA Digital Broadcasting Facebook Page,

KGRA Digital Broadcating Youtube Channel or Rumble.

The Universe is Vast, So is the Human Experience
Do you have an interesting story? Let’s hear it!

UFO Encounters ~  Paranormal Experiences ~  Extrasensory Gifts ~   Angel Encounters  ~ Unusual Survival Stories ~ Connections to Historical Places ~  Interesting Achievements ~ Stories of Courage & Resilience

On this show, we invite people who have had extraordinary experiences to share their stories.  With supportive listening, we will find out what they saw, heard, thought and felt and how the experience changed their lives. When we put all of these stories together, we just might find some answers to important questions about how the universe works and our role in it.  Based on the type of story featured on the show, we may have subject matter experts along to help shed some light on the topic.  

We have both had our own extraordinary experiences involving UFOs and paranormal experiences and know what it’s like to be left with feelings of amazement and a lot of questions. We’re interested in the stories and the people who experienced them; we’re deep diving for answers. We’re building comradery and a place to belong.

We believe that every life is both ordinary and extraordinary. Join us to hear and share some of those Extraordinary Stories on KGRA Digital Broadcasting!

As a guest at kgradb.com you can listen to our show as it airs. You can also listen to recently aired shows on the KGRA social media sites.  A SUBSCRIPTION to KGRA Digital Broadcasting gets you access to videos, participation in the chats of live shows, and access to the show archives. 

Use our Promo Code STORIES for 30% off a monthly subscription or STORIES22 for 30% off an annual subscription.

E-mail us your x-traordinary story at xtraordinarystories@gmail.com